Monday, October 22, 2012

Juggling: Not Just for Clowns Anymore!

If I had wanted to be a juggler, I'd have joined the circus.  Yet here I am, trying to find the best way (read: easiest and most painless) to juggle my two young teens, a military spouse, a dog, two cats, two hermit crabs, and a writing career on top of that.  Oh, and I'm also a new grandma of six-month-old Ben, thanks to oldest daughter Ellie and son-in-law Nick!

Sometimes I feel like I've got so many balls in the air at the same time that I'm just going to drop my arms and let them all crash to the ground.  But on the other hand we women are pretty amazing.  Just when we think we have nothing left in our energy reserves we begin to catch a second wind and before you know it, the juggling act looks flawless yet again.

I think the hardest part that I'm going through is trying to get my writing business, WildWordz, off the ground.  I've been working on my website, I've got a Facebook page and a Twitter feed and I'm trying like hell to figure out Google+ (harder than I'd expected!)  I'm sending queries to editors, volunteering my services to local non-profits to build up the business writing side of my portfolio; basically I'm juggling like a mofo, and it seems to no avail.

I have been working some side jobs on Elance and oDesk but they are low paying gigs and I can't truly contribute to the support of my family on what I'm making on these content mill sites.  It's just been difficult trying to keep my spirits up while maintaining balance.  Thank God for a supportive family!  They are really behind me all the way in this quest, and for that I truly feel blessed.

Anyway, that's it for now.  Just needed to rest my arms a bit before I start up again.  More tomorrow and happy reading! :)

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